- Length: 7′
- Width: 61″
- Height: 40″
- Knee Room: 25″
- Net Weight: 800 lbs
- Soundboard Area: 2,055 sq. in.
- Longest Bass String: 58.25″
- Dual weighting = touch weight naturals/sharps: 48/47 g
- Counterweight: 21-27 g
- Pinblock: 22-layer compressed beech
- Ebony Sharps: Standard
- Mineral Keytops for Naturals: Standard
- Comprehensive genuine wood guarantee: Standard
- Environmentally-friendly processing: Standard
- Humidity-safe glued joints: Standard
- Special drying for extremely low humidity: Standard
- Keyboard lid brake: Standard
- Sostenuto Pedal: Standard
- Concert grand castors, with 2 brakes: Optional
- 3rd pedal muffler/hand-operated muffler: Upon Request
- Adjustable lyre-stays: Standard
- Una Corda regulation of capstanscrew: Standard
- Mozart Rail (touch depth 8-10 mm): Optional
- Sordino (pedal or kneelever): Optional
- Phoenix bridge agraffes and hitch pins: Optional
- Carbon fiber soundboard: Optional