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The Art of Selecting Your Perfect Grand Piano: A Buyer’s Guide

Grands are renowned for their beauty, magnificence, complex resonance, tonal variation, and wide dynamic range. If you’re considering purchasing a fabulous grand with an exceptionally lovely tone and timbre in Gaithersburg, MD, our comprehensive buyer’s guide provides valuable insights on buying the ideal grand piano.

The Art of Selecting Your Perfect Grand Piano in Gaithersburg, MD: A Buyer’s Guide


When looking for the ideal grand piano in Gaithersburg, MD, consider your needs and musical goals. Consider why you want a grand, what type of music you plan to play, and how often you will practice or perform. Do you need the piano for home practice, to entertain family and friends, or are you a professional pianist? Understanding how you’ll use the piano will determine the level of quality and performance you need from the instrument. 


The space you have available is a key factor. Grands come in different sizes, ranging from compact Petite Grands that take up minimal room to space-consuming Concert Grands. Measure the space you have available for a piano and compare it with the dimensions of the grands you have your eye on. Also, consider your space’s acoustics, potential noise level issues, and if there is enough room to have it tuned and serviced.


Numerous factors determine the price of a grand, such as whether the piano is new or used, the brand, model, size, condition, finish, features, and age. While buying a used grand may have a cheaper price tag, be cautious and carefully evaluate the instrument’s quality and history. 

New or Used

Choosing between a new or used grand piano is influenced by the price and type of grand you wish to purchase. Pianos hold their value for a long time, so taking good care of a brand-new piano will ensure it serves you a lifetime.

However, if your budget is limited, buying a used grand can be more affordable if you select a quality, well-maintained piano. Purchasing a quality used grand allows you to buy a superior brand or a slightly larger size that may have been out of your price range.


Grands come in different sizes and shapes, determined by the length of the strings and the soundboard’s size. We have listed standard types and sizes below to help you choose the best one for your space and musical needs.

Petite Grand

If you’re looking for a compact and budget-friendly grand, the smallest grand could be a good choice. These small pianos typically range from 4’5″ to 4’10” in length. However, it’s worth noting that due to their diminutive size, they may have some limitations in terms of their dynamic range and tonal quality.

Baby Grand

One of the most popular is the Baby Grand, which ranges from 4’11” to 5’6″ in length. These lovely pianos strike the perfect balance of tone quality and affordability, making them a good option for many households as they can fit in smaller spaces. 

Medium Grand

The Medium Grand is slightly larger at 5’7″ to 6’4″ in length. It produces a more robust sound and projection than the smaller grands, making these pianos more suitable for larger spaces and music rooms.

Parlor Grand

The Parlor Grand is relatively large, measuring 6’5″ to 7′ long. These grands are favored among pianists because of their mighty and rich sound, which can easily fill an auditorium or music hall.  

Ballroom Grand

Ballroom or Semi-Concert Grands typically measure between 6’11” and 7’8″. They are known for their incredible depth of tone and are commonly found in recording studios and music venues.

Concert Grand

The biggest grand, which measures 7’1″ to 10’2″ in length, is the Concert Grand. This large piano is renowned for its exceptional sound quality and volume, making it the ideal choice for orchestras and concert halls.


Research the most popular piano brands to understand why they are so highly regarded. Typically, the most popular brands are known for producing superior pianos that are built to stand the test of time. After identifying the top brands that appeal to you, compare them to determine the best fit for you.


Each grand piano has its own distinct feel and sound. We recommend trying out several pianos to find the perfect one. Experiment with various brands, models, and sizes and play different musical genres to get a true sense of each piano’s feel and sound.


To evaluate a grand’s sound quality, listen to the tone. Play each note with equal pressure and hold it, listening to how long the sound carries or sustains before fading away. A grand that produces mostly lower harmonics will have a dark and warm timbre, while a grand that produces higher harmonics will have a bright timbre.


When you press a key on a piano, the action responsible for producing the sound should feel comfortable and not too light or heavy. A superior instrument has a responsive and consistent action, which makes it easier to control dynamics and play expressively. It should have the right amount of resistance and consistency across all keys.

Dynamic Range

The piano’s dynamic range is measured by the ratio of the loudest undistorted sound to the softest discernible sound, usually expressed in decibels. To ensure that the piano can produce a wide dynamic range, you should be able to make a soft sound when playing pianissimo and a loud sound when playing fortissimo, and everything in between should be effortless to control. 


Test all pedals to ensure they work correctly. Press the right sustain pedal and play a few notes. The sound should be sustained after you release the keys. Release the pedal to ensure the sound stops immediately. The left soft pedal should soften the sound, and the middle pedal should sustain only the notes being held down when the pedal is pressed, allowing for selective sustaining. 

Ongoing Costs

Investing in a high-quality grand piano is a fantastic long-term investment. However, keep in mind that owning a piano comes with ongoing costs, such as tuning, maintenance, repairs, and moving the instrument. Inquire about the maintenance requirements and potential repair costs in Gaithersburg, MD, for the specific model you want to purchase. Additionally, consider the resale value of the piano if you plan to upgrade or sell it in the future.

Selecting the ideal grand that strikes the perfect cord between price and quality is essential to your musical journey. Visit Piano Craft in Gaithersburg, MD, today to test an extraordinary selection of superior new and used pianos. Allow our knowledgeable staff members to help you find the instrument that fits your musical requirements.

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